Women's ministry

SISTERHOOD Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry is considered one of our scheduled Growth Groups.  It's led by Pastor Sherri Wachob and exists to place value on women at every stage of life and serves to help women reach their fullest potential.

TRUE NORTH WOMEN'S EVENTS are gatherings that include an inspirational teaching, prayer, and lots of fun! You’re sure to hear something that inspires your heart and be uplifted by women who love you for who you are.  We hope that you’ll come and experience what it means to be a part of the Sisterhood at True North Church! Women's events are unique opportunities because you not only get to hear an encouraging word from Pastor Sherri or another leader, but you also get quality time to connect with other women in a smaller setting than Sunday morning.

Women’s GROWTH GROUPS are another great way to get connected at True North Church!

Check the online events calendar for upcoming Women's events.